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Agro Chemicals

We are highly engaged in offering a wide range of Agro Chemicals which are a term that refers to a wide range of fertilizers, insecticides, and herbicides that are used to manage ecosystems in the agriculture industry. These chemicals have been employed for pest control and crop production improvement for thousands of years. Agro Chemicals are available in huge varieties such as Bio Fulvic Acid 50%, Potassium Humate Flakes, Nitrobenzene emulsifier powder, Seaweed Extract Flakes / Powder, Neem Oil, and many more. They are used by farmers to lower the risk of crop damage or failure. These chemicals are very cost-effective and can be easily purchased by our eminent customers, at nominal pricing. 

Humic Acid

Price: 70 INR/Kilograms

Silicon Surfactant

Silicon surfactant can help agro chemicals to be penetrated, dispersed, absorbed and transported quickly and thoroughly.
Price: 550.00 - 750.00 INR/Kilograms

Super Potasium F Humate Flakes

It is used in agriculture as a fertilizer additive to increase the efficiency of fertilizer especially nitrogen and phosphorous based fertilizer. Increase the soil fertility and optimizes the structure. The application amount is about 50-100kg per ha.
Price: 77 INR/Kilograms

Amino Acid 80% (Soya Base)

Our amino acid is Soya based product so it has free flowing properties. It is complete Plant source extract so it doesnt smell foul ordour.
Price: 90.00 - 110.00 INR/Kilograms

Potasium Humate Flakes

It is used in agriculture as a fertilizer additive to increase the efficiency of fertilizer especially nitrogen and phosphorous based fertilizer. Increase the soil fertility and optimizes the structure. The application amount is about 50-100kg per ha.
Price: 170.00 - 200.00 INR/Kilograms

Bio Fulvic Acid 50%

Bio Fulvic is a mixture of fulvic acid, humic acid, amino acids and some trace elements. It is highly water soluble and acts as a Broad spectrum plant growth regulator. This is sprayed on the leaves of the plants and comprises of diverse advantages such as it reduces transpiration, improves the quality of crops, increases the chlorophyll content and is stored in a dry and cool place under frost-free condition. It can be used with any combination of potassium humate which helps us to give excellent result on the crops.
Price: 80.00 - 100.00 INR/Kilograms

Seaweed Extract Powder

Seaweed Extract Flakes are natural organic concentrate that are extracted from marine plants. These natural and non-toxic extracts are rich in minor elements and natural growth hormones and trace elements like auxins, gibberellins and cytokinins. Alginate content 14 % min
Price: 190.00 - 230.00 INR/Kilograms

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